There has been media ‘misinformation’ about the Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) kits,
(03 Feb 2023 SBS portal): The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) denied media reports raising questions over the accuracy of current RATs and their independent testing.
TGA said its scientists, the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity and the National (Serology) Reference Laboratory confirmed that RATs approved for use in Australia met global standards for sensitivity as set by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Three companies who supplied RAT kits that were not to TGA Standards have been removed from supply to Australian market.
All positive RATs are to be continued to be reported, (on-line or 1300 232 272)
If you test positive using a rapid antigen test, your result does not need to be confirmed with a PCR test.
Although there is a decline in the numbers of COVID-19 Nationally and in South Australia, today (9th Feb 2023) it has been identified a high school in Adelaide has a sharp increase in the positive COVID-19 numbers.
The main precautions to contain COVID-19 spread remain:
- Hand hygiene: alcohol gel or a 20 second soapy hand wash.
- Distancing (1.5m) particularly in spaces that have crowds
- Wearing a mask:-
- consider surgical mask if in crowded spaces,
- N/D95 if a close contact,
- or if in COVID-19 isolation- recommend wearing this mask where others are present and when able, out to obtain supplies in the community,
- Health Care facilities (Hospitals, GP Clinics, Primary Health, Residential Care facilities, Disability) have their guidelines regarding wearing of masks (surgical/N-D95) and must be practiced.
Until we are informed by World Authorities the COVID-19 pandemic remains.
Be aware this disease whilst from the same family of earlier coronavirus illnesses (SARS, MER) where recovery was part of the disease process,
COVID-19 behaves quite differently in that the COVID-19 virus may attack any of our bodies systems and cause prolonged illnesses, and these are still coming to light- as Long COVID-19.
This is why those who have yet to experience COVID-19 are very keen not to contract Long-COVID-19. The experts in Communicable Diseases are learning every day the consequences of COVID-19.
Please respect those who wear masks or move away from you. There are reasons why people seek this-
- they are carers for elderly persons,
- carers for children,
- support their family by providing child-care to parents who work
- have run out of sick-leave,
- have other illnesses that make them at risk of contracting COVID-19 and being very sick
- have no-one to provide them with support if they contract COVID-19
Everyone has a responsibility to be respectful of wishes to be healthy, in the community, in our places of work and at home.
Nganana do this very well- keeping yourselves safe and our participants(clients) safe has always been a successful priority.