Adult Physical and Neurological Support Services in Adelaide
The “All of Us” Model
“All of Us” is a service type that borrows from the past three years of continuous development and improvement within Nganana’s service delivery to people with high and complex psychosocial support needs. These lessons, best-practice principles and standards have been developed into an integrated model of care for NDIS participants living with physical and neurological disabilities.
Our depth of experience, past and current, have repeatedly demonstrated four key components of practice that need to be integrated into service delivery for all individuals with a complexity of support needs.
Our best-practice and evidenced based service delivery model
Features person-centred
individualised support
With particular attention on continuous improvement toward self-directed, meaningful outcomes.
Prioritises Risk
Our risk management strategies include identification, contingency planning and response guidelines.
Engages team-based
workforce development
Our team-based workforce development incorporates on-going training and performance management.
Emphasises Collaborative
We emphasise collaboration between all stakeholders. We pay consideration to responsibility, continuity of service delivery, and the NDIS complaints management and Resolution guidelines.
Develops Support
planning procedures
We engage with Support planning procedures and documentation protocols that inform routine reports for distribution to stakeholders.
Guarantees 24/7
We Guarantee 24/7 supported independent living developmental accommodation support services.
Person Centred Individualised Support
Person centred individualised support is a concept well and truly incorporated into the minds and writings of most individuals and providers in the disability sector. However we have built these values into practice standards designed to maximise desired outcomes.
Supporting people with high and complex psychosocial support needs from a best-practice evidence-based perspective requires acute attention to the individual; their specific needs, values, wants, preferences, communication skills, social skills, behaviour, environment etc. Understanding and respecting the person as a unique individual is essential to quality care. It shapes support plans, schedules, activities, and routines.
The key features of a person-centred individualised approach are:
- Support planning is co-designed with the participant and their support network
- Reports provide feedback on key performance indicators (KPI), including from an experiential perspective, the success of the service from the perspective of the participant/nominee
Collaborative Practice
Description automatically generated with medium confidenceWe call this collaborative “practice” because experience has taught us, especially within the NDIS market, that collaboration as a principle has not the focus there once was under the state. We surmise this is largely due to the change in the market toward for profits, and a subsequent move away from activities (such as working together effectively, respectfully and persistently toward shared goals) that cannot be invoiced against an NDIS plan.
However the reality is collaborative practice is a necessity when supporting any individual with a complexity of needs.
The key features of a person-centred individualised approach are:
- The ability to work within a multidisciplinary and multi-agency environment constructively and able to resolve differences of opinion and continue to support a unified approach
- A commitment toward responsibility and accountability
- An understanding of organisational structure, delegated responsibility, and respectful communication at all times
- Dispute resolution as per the NDIS Complaints Management and Resolution Guidelines and NDIS Procedural Fairness Guidelines
Do you need support?
Our team can help.
At Nganana, we care about providing compassionate care that respects individual needs. If you or a loved one requires support, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help.
High Performing Teams
The third component of a functional support service (in particular for SIL services) is having a committed, compact engaged team of disability support workers.
Across the organisation we have persistently employed staff using value based recruitment.(We look for Respect, Collaboration, Integrity Resourcefulness, Accountability and Commitment in our staff , and invest in quality, professional human resource management. Performance management of staff is essential when a key principle of the organisation is to foster the values promoted in recruitment.
A focus on high performing teams, best practice human resource management and performance management also helps produce:
- Trained (manual handling / medication administration), qualified, and screened staff as per NDIS legislative requirements
- Scheduled service meetings with all support staff; to iron out service issues or fractures in service delivery, opportunity for staff supervision as required, discuss feedback and resolution strategies with the team, and opportunity to meet with stakeholders, and/or the participant and members of their support network
- Staff trained in reporting, incident reporting (as per legislative guidelines), and mandatory reporting legislative responsibilities
- Staff that approach the role with an understanding for the need to be an engaged, respectful, committed, accountable member of the team
Support & Report Protocols
Support plans are essential to any service, especially those designed to assist in the clear and concise implementation of supports to someone with complex needs. “All of US” service model utilises the services of a Registered Nurse to develop Health Support Plans in liaise with relevant allied health stakeholders involved with the participant.
Outside of health support needs, our service coordinators ensure a support plan is in place identifying what is required (and only what is required to preserve privacy and confidentiality) to deliver services with the integrity deserved. Reporting protocols are an equally important consideration for a support service. Stakeholders and a participants support network equally need to know benchmarks are being achieved, incident or accident need to be accurately documented and distributed in a timely fashion, and any health issue need to be reported on for follow-up.
Standard report protocols are determined by individual need, however can encompass:
- Incident reporting (Incident/accident/near miss - Medication Incident - Behaviour Monitoring
- Essential wellbeing indicators (sleep – personal care – medication administration)
- Health and Clinical Record (appointments, medication, interactions with allied health, interactions with mainstream health).
- Outcome of other appointments (as required)
- Engagement in the community (opportunities offered V’s opportunity update)
All of Us Key Team Members
All of Us APN Services is led by two individuals with decades of experience supporting people with adult physical and neurological disability, and managing care within the health services.
Yvonne Taylor
Yvonne’s 35 years in community services reads like a who’s who of roles within the disability sector, state and NDIS, that makes her perfect for overseeing service delivery for our APN service model. Yvonne’s past experiences range from case management as a social worker earlier in her career to many years in management. Her experience working with Disability SA includes:
- 8 years as a Regional Manager working in the Riverland, Murray lands and Limestone Coast.
- 14 years as a team manager, managing community services and intake and assessment teams for people with all types of disability. Ten of these years specifically working alongside Adults with Physical and Neurological Disability.
- 3 years within the non-government sector as an operations manager, including one year with Nganana.
Yvonne believes in self-determination for all and operates from the fundamental principle of respect.
Liz Owen
Liz as she likes to be known, is a registered nurse (RN) and comes from an extensive background in acute medical nursing: nurse education and program management. Her experiences have been within the Central Adelaide Local Health Network and at times extending to the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network with significant input into developing the new model of care for Older Persons Mental Health Services. Currently Liz is also teaching in the Nursing Program at Flinders University School of Nursing and Health Sciences.
Liz has extensive knowledge in Advance Care Planning, programs that extended throughout SA Health- and Country Health SA. The unit worked closely with the Aboriginal Community to develop the ‘Advance care yarning ‘ booklet. It is planned that staff providing the care for Nganana clients will have an opportunity to learn and understand more about this important aspect of peoples’ lives, so that you may understand your client’s health care wishes. With a strong sense of advocacy for rights of people in health care, Liz bases her practice in and on the ethical practice of respect and dignity, expected of all health, disability and aged care service providers.
Internationally and nationally there is a commitment to co-design of care, that is to say, clients/patients/consumers have a right to be part of their management. This extends to all care services, disability, acute care and aged care. Liz does not see boundaries- just different ‘boats’ in providing highest standards of care.
The service framework here takes client/patient/consumer and carer participation as the primary tenet of service delivery. Liz brings experience to Nganana but equally, continues a learning journey in disability services where you may assist. Programs for staff will be developed to meet your needs for the clients. It is an ‘All of Us’ framework.
Looking for support?
Let's work together.
Nganana Inc. is here to provide you with more information and answer any questions you may have. We can assist in developing an effective and creative solution to your support needs.